{!! theme_field('image', 'logo', 'Site Logo') !!} {!! theme_field('image', 'footer_logo', 'Footer Logo') !!}
{!! theme_field('text', 'home_headline', 'Homepage Headline') !!} {!! theme_field('text', 'home_subheadline', 'Homepage Subheadline') !!} {!! theme_field('text_area', 'home_description', 'Homepage Copy Below Subheadline') !!} {!! theme_field('text', 'home_cta', 'Homepage CTA Text') !!} {!! theme_field('text', 'home_cta_url', 'Homepage CTA URL') !!} {!! theme_field('image', 'home_promo_image', 'Homepage Promo Image') !!}


{{__("This theme was built using TailwindCSS. You can learn more about Tailwind by visiting the links below.")}}

{{__("TailwindCSS Homepage")}} {{__("Tailwind Documentation")}}

{{__("Theme Options")}}

{{__("You can edit this file located at:")}} {{ resource_path('views/' . theme_folder()) . '/options.blade.php' }}

{{__("It's quite easy to add your own options, instructions are commented at the top of the file.")}}